There are many schools of thought that believe love is an active verb. That it’s an action, a movement, a conscious and intentional decision, and I think I have to agree. To love is to grow, and growing is always a challenge. This painting represents a private relationship with self-love. There is a beast living inside all of us that needs to be tended to, cared for, loved, all in order for it to not take control of our lives. Yet again, the verb of loving comes as a challenge between soul and ego, an internal battle where ‘self’ seeks to find balance and union. It’s not just the internal battle that rages within that inspired this, but also the idea of partnership.
I believe the best kinds of relationships are the ones which are complimentary, that hold occasional challenges that push you to face the monsters within and discover new horizons. These are things that can nurture a deep part of our souls. To me, Tough Love represents both self love and committed love. Or in other words, this painting represents the challenge of what it means to truly love